See you in May 2026 !

The Council of Elders

To guarantee the neutrality of the project selection and the profit distribution, we call upon a council of Elders, independent from the organisers. It is made up of between 5 to 11 people from varied backgrounds; cultural, artistic, journalistic, teaching, economic...
These persons, not only chosen for their implication towards the Breton language, but also for the diversity of their domains and their experiences, bring an eclectic view to the projects presented.

Project validation

The associations’ administrative council reserves the right to consider the originality and pertinence of each project received.
It can reject an application if it is judged non-conform with the fundamentals written in the call for projects. The Elders have about one month to consult all the applications and request more details where necessary before the council meeting where each project will be discussed in turn.

The "Council of Elders” makes its choice based on the following criteria:

  • correspondence with the operations’ general objectives and the call for projects,
  • use of the Breton language in the project,
  • quality of relations established by the stakeholders in the related sector,
  • level of players’ involvement in the project framework and the quality of the services offered,
  • quality of the support materials for language transmission developed in the project framework,
  • size of area covered by the project and the public it addresses,
  • longevity of the project in its duration and its capacity to continue over the years to come.

To guarantee an impartial choice and vote for funding, in the case of any close connection between a council member and one of the projects presented, the association will request that they do not take part in the vote and do not present or defend the project, so that the other projects are not prejudiced.