17 >> 25 of May 2024 / Pointe du Raz >>> Morlaix

Message from the Redadeg in 2014

The baton which is passed from person to person is the symbol of the Breton language that has been passed on from generation to generation. It carries a message whose author and content are kept secret until the finish line where they are revealed to the public.

Lleuwenn ha morgane, km diwezhañ

For the 2014 edition, it was written by Lleuwen Steffan, a Welsh woman who lives in the Monts d’Aree in Brittany and sings, writes and speaks Breton.

It was read by Morgane Salaün, a trainee who had been learning Breton for 4 months at that time on a long-duration training course with Stumdi.

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